Monthly Archives: January 2022

New Candidate List Added: 4 New Hazardous Chemicals Added to the European Chemical Agency’s Candidate List

The Candidate List of substances of very high concern now contains 223 entries for

New Candidate List Added: 4 New Hazardous Chemicals Added to the European Chemical Agency’s Candidate List

EPA’s “whole chemical” approach to TSCA risk determinations: placing a burden on small and medium-sized companies

The US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “whole chemical” approach to TSCA risk determinations means that it requires

EPA’s “whole chemical” approach to TSCA risk determinations: placing a burden on small and medium-sized companies

After 30 years, EPA updates Dangerous Air Pollutant List – adds 1-Bromopropane to Dangerous Air Pollutant List, a Dry-Cleaning Chemical Suspected to Cause Nerve Damage and Cancer.

The EPA has added 1-bromopropane to its list of dangerous air pollutants. This dry-cleaning

After 30 years, EPA updates Dangerous Air Pollutant List – adds 1-Bromopropane to Dangerous Air Pollutant List, a Dry-Cleaning Chemical Suspected to Cause Nerve Damage and Cancer.
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