What is GHS?

GHS is abbreviation of Globally Harmonized System. It basically denotes the classification and labeling of chemicals. It simply represents the class of hazardous chemicals. It also describes safety issues and health precautions on labels and safety data sheets.


What is purpose of GHS?

The main objective of developing globally harmonized system is to maintain and establish a universal format and labeling content and information for safety data sheet will be practiced worldwide.


What is importance of GHS?

It can better promote emergency steps to be taken. A core team of chemicals communication has established the rules of GHS by keeping in mind the following considerations;

  • To maximize the protection of human community by eliminating the hazardous effects of chemicals
  • A developed and organized regulatory framework to operate and deal with chemicals
  • International market for chemical trade can be also facilitated through these rules
  • Reducing multiple classifications and combine all under one umbrella of set rules


What are implications?

Implications of GHS are very vast and diverse in their own way. Whoever is involved directly or indirectly in contact with chemicals is subject to follow and get trained of these GHS as following are few implications;

  • Toxicity information
  • First Aid Knowledge
  • Inflammatory Actions
  • Disposal Handling
  • Transportation
  • Compositions
  • Reactivity
  • Handling in Lab
  • Storage


Disadvantages of Missed GHS:

People can communicate in a way better than before. It is surely for workers safety and workers need to train themselves and also to follow those standards of communication so they can secure their life in a much better way. It will not only provide workers precautionary measures but also the first aid information if any accident occurs and also in case of any spill occurrence. If it is not followed it is equally harmful from community members, environment, workplace, chemists and every one practicing with chemicals. Universally labeling and information helps to manage and communicate everything regarding chemicals around the globe. If it is not followed it is disadvantageous and non ethical.