What does OSHA stand for?
OSHA stands for occupational safety and health administration.
What is role of OSHA?
Role of OSHA is very vast in term of safety for workers at workplace. Key responsibilities of OSHA includes following;
- Maintaining and revising safety standards
- Reviewing advised directions and dividing occupational health and safety
- Holding meetings on regular basis for improvement
- Conducting awareness seminars and trainings for
Use of Beryllium
Beryllium as a metal due to its high advantages is useful in aerospace, telecommunications, defense, computer, medical, and nuclear industries.
Why beryllium is hazardous for health?
Beryllium is harmful for workers at workplace if they are exposed to it by inhaling it with breathe. It can be a response in immune and body sensitivity towards beryllium may get higher.
CBD is the most commonly known disease for beryllium exposed patients and it stands for chronic beryllium disease if airborne beryllium is inhaled after sensitization. It may further lead workers towards acute beryllium disease and lung cancer in worst conditions. It can also involve toxicity of many other organs. So the threat is not only for lungs but no doubt lungs are at high risk level.
Who is at risk at workplace?
Many people at plant of beryllium are at high risk because of exposed to beryllium, but not everyone is in danger. The worker who should take care can be listed as following;
- Beryllium Production Workers
- Workers Processing Beryllium into metals, alloys and composites
- Foundry Workers
- Furnace Tenders
- Machine Operators
- Metal Fabricators
- Welders
- Dental Technicians
- Recycling workers
What is OSHA doing for Beryllium Protection?
OSHA while understanding and accepting its responsibility taking very productive and protective steps for improvement in health and safety matters. OSHA has developed and enforces PELs permissible exposure limits for employee. These rules protect them in general industry, production and shipyards. PEL’s has defined levels of beryllium exposed for every stage. Company must ensure that employees are not over exposed to beryllium while in contact with it. OSHA has published a notice named as notice of proposed rulemaking for beryllium, which if acted by workers, may reduce hazards of beryllium and lemmatize its harmful effects.
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