
Nitric Acid Hazards and Safety Measures | CloudSDS


Nitric acid can be very dangerous for workers and users. In 1985, there was a terrible accident recorded by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA). A laboratory employee was badly injured (inflicted 70% chemical burn) when a gallon bottle of nitric acid fell on him while he was looking for it in a cabinet. This accident happened because the container wasn’t stored properly and there weren’t enough safety warnings. It’s a stark reminder of why it’s so important to handle nitric acid safely. 

Nitric acid plays a crucial role in many industries and everyday tasks, but it’s also highly hazardous. It’s corrosive and can harm both people and the environment. That’s why it’s vital for organizations dealing with nitric acid to educate their workers and stakeholders about its dangers and safety measures.

Organizations such as the OSHA play a vital role in monitoring chemical hazards. They not only enforce workplace safety regulations but also maintain records of chemical accident reports. OSHA takes strict action, including proposing penalties, if employer negligence is found after investigating accidents. Thus, communicating the chemical hazards linked with substances like nitric acid is not just good practice but also a regulatory requirement.


Which Industries Need or Produce Nitric Acid?


For the preparation of fertilizers, nitric acid is required. It is also known as a good oxidizing agent. Many chemical manufacturing firms use this substance to prepare various other inorganic compounds. It’s also important for some of the daily life usage. Let’s now explore it in detail:

  • Chemical Manufacturing Industry:

Nitric acid serves as a fundamental raw material in the chemical manufacturing industry. It’s a precursor for the production of various chemicals. For instance, to produce fertilizers like ammonium nitrate, explosives like TNT (trinitrotoluene), and synthetic materials like nylon it is required.

  • Metal Processing: 

Metal processing industries also make extensive use of this product. Nitric acid can dissolve and remove surface impurities from metals. It’s used in various crucial processes like metal pickling, where it removes rust and scale from steel surfaces. This chemical product is also required in metal etching, where it’s used to create intricate designs or patterns on metal surfaces. For this reason, nitric acid is important in industries like automotive, aerospace, and metal fabrication. 

  • Electronics:

The semiconductor industry too needs nitric acid. It’s utilized as an etchant in the fabrication of silicon-based microchips. It selectively removes layers of silicon dioxide or silicon nitride from silicon wafers. This way it allows the precise patterning of electronic circuits. Nitric acid is also used for cleaning to remove contaminants and enhance surface properties. This is crucial for the production of high-quality electronic devices.

  • Pharmaceutical Industry:

It’s primarily a reagent in the pharmaceutical sector primarily in the process of chemical synthesis. To produce certain pharmaceutical compounds it’s used. In this process, it works like a catalyst. Also for processes like testing or quality control of nitric acid, there is a huge demand for nitric acid.  

  • In Daily Life:

It’s used in household cleaning products to remove tough stains and rust. Besides it’s used in school laboratories as a reagent.  Also to sanitize equipment, to clean metal objects nitric acid can help. 


What are the Nitric Acid Hazards?


Nitric acid may cause severe health damage if all the associated hazards are not determined quickly. The following points are necessary to gain a thorough understanding of this toxic chemical product. So, check them out. 

  • It’s Corrosive: 

Nitric acid is extremely corrosive. It’s even capable of causing severe burns on the skin. It may cause damage to the eyes and mucous membranes upon contact. Even a small amount can lead to painful, serious injuries that require immediate medical attention.

  • Toxicity: 

Inhaling nitric acid vapors can be very harmful for workers or any user handling it. It may lead to respiratory issues such as irritation of the nose, throat, and lungs. Prolonged or high-level exposure should also be avoided. It can result in serious conditions like pulmonary edema, where fluid accumulates in the lungs, which can be life-threatening. 

  • Chemical Reactions:

Nitric acid can react violently with a wide range of substances. For instance, it should be stored safely to keep it away from organic materials, metals, and other chemicals. These reactions can cause fires, explosions, and the release of toxic gases. This way, it’s posing significant risks in places where nitric acid is used or stored.

  • Environmental Impact:

Facilities should follow proper disposal guidelines for nitric acid. Spills or improper disposal of nitric acid can cause severe environmental damage. That’s why, it can contaminate soil and water sources, which may lead to harmful effects on plant and animal life. The acid can lower the pH of water bodies, which makes the environment uninhabitable for many aquatic organisms.

  • Long-Term Health Effects: 

Chronic exposure to nitric acid, even at low levels, can have lasting health effects. It can cause persistent respiratory issues too. For instance, erosion of dental enamel due to acidic vapors, and skin conditions like dermatitis are some common issues a worker or employee may experience. Therefore, workers or users handling nitric acid regularly must use protective equipment and follow safety protocols to mitigate these risks.

  • Some Other Health Effects: 

Due to prolonged or repeated contact, workers may face skin rash, pain, ulceration, etc. This toxic substance can be irritating to the lungs. Due to repeated exposure, workers may feel symptoms of bronchitis. For instance, coughing, phlegm, and shortness of breath are common issues. 


Necessary Safety Measures to Handle Nitric Acid Hazards:

1. Medical Test:

Facilities must conduct a thorough lung test before the workers join and also frequently while they continue working. Healthcare experts suggest a proper chest X-ray after acute overexposure. This is also required if symptoms develop or overexposure is suspected. According to OSHA, employers should share the medical testing copy with the employees. 


2. Workplace Control and Practices:

With appropriate workplace practices, employers can help their employees avoid workplace mishaps. What exactly are they? Following are some of the crucial practices that employers must consider. 

  • To deal with nitric acid hazards employers must provide exhaust ventilation for chemicals. 
  • General ventilation is also useful to protect the skin and eyes from irritants. 
  • Keeping a label process container is required.
  • Providing all the hazard information related to nitric acid will be crucial. 
  • Facilities must conduct the monitoring of airborne chemical concentrations. 
  • The employers must provide eyewash fountains.
  • Changing clothes and washing at the end of the work shift can be beneficial.


3. Providing Personal Protective Equipment: 

Employers should determine what are ideal personal protective equipment for nitric acid. They must also provide training to the workers on how to use them properly. Following are some of the examples that can help handle the harmful effects of nitric acid.


  • Gloves and Clothing

These are necessary to protect workers from nitric acid. However, it has to be made with materials which cannot be degraded by this product. To seek the best best help employers must consult with safety material suppliers. 


  • Appropriate Eye Protection

Workers must choose non vented, and impact resistant goggles to stay protected from the effects of nitric acid. It’s required if the worker is working with fumes or vapors. To work with liquids it’s crucial that the workers have impact and splash resistant googles.


  • Respiratory Protection

Employers must learn the right usage of the respirators to provide ultimate protection to the workers. If the exposure limit is more than 2ppm, choosing a NIOSH approved full facepiece respirator is needed. Using a NIOSH approved supplied air respirator with a  full-facepiece which can be operated in a pressure demand is necessary in case the exposure limit exceeds 20 ppm. 


4. Providing Training: 

Workers must be provided with proper training to understand all the possible hazards associated with nitric acid. They must understand how to handle this product at various stages and conditions. Also,  proper training to handle emergencies is mandatory. 


5. Handling Spills and Evacuation:

To handle nitric acid spill or leakage, the workers must be evacuated from the area immediately. Also all the ignition sources should be eliminated. To remove the liquid use dry sand, earth or something that’s noncombustible. The area of spill should also be well ventilated.


6. Storage and Handling:

    Workers or any user must know the following facts regarding nitric acid to ensure safe handling and storage information. 

  • Nitric acid should be stored away from metals due to the fact that it may react violently.
  • It may also react violently with combustibles, charcoal, organics, nitrates etc.
  • This chemical should be stored in a airtight box. It should be kept away from well-ventilated area. 


Some Useful Tips to Convey the Hazards and the Safety Measures:


All the hazards associated with nitric acid must be expressed in a comprehensible manner. Therefore, organizations should find some of the effective techniques to communicate the hazards associated with it along with the safety information. Below are some of the methods that we have highlighted, so take a look. 


  • Prepare and Share SDSs:

According to OSHA’s Hazard communication standard, preparing a safety data sheet(SDS) for nitric acid is necessary. An SDS must include 16 mandatory section and each section should include some specific information about the chemical products. This document must include chemical information along with some ingredient details. Moreover, it must include separate sections that highlight associated hazards and all required safety measures.


  • Taking help of a Software:

There are various types of software available these days that makes sharing information a smoother process. SDS management software is one such tool that makes managing and sharing safety details easier. This software is helpful to conduct hazard communication and to share all safety information through frequent updates. Thus keeping a team updated about all the hazards is possible. 


  • Employee Training:

By providing proper training to all the employees a facility can easily educate a team. This training program must include how to read the hazard information from the SDS. Moreover, after this training program, the employees can easily learn how to stay safe from the hazardous effects of nitric acid. 



Nitric acid can be dangerous for users, so knowing its hazards is necessary. Therefore, facilities must meet all regulatory requirements and share all the above-discussed hazards comprehensively. Moreover, all the safety measures should be shared to ensure workplace safety. For more effective results, facilities must take the help of SDS management software to share required nitric acid hazard information.


What Information Safety Data Sheets Have?
  • Identification Details:

 It shares data such as product identifiers, and manufacturer or supplier details along with their address. 


  • Hazards Identification

This document also shared details on hazard classification, signal words, and hazard and precautionary statements.


  • Composition or Ingredients: An SDS shares details on chemical ingredients, including hazardous components and some other relevant information.


  • First Aid Measures:  Users can also find some useful first-aid measures that allow them to handle emergencies. 


  • Fire-Fighting Measures: Employees of a facility have suitable extinguishing techniques, and understand all the hazards from combustion products.


  • Accidental Release Measures: It shares helpful emergency procedures, containment methods, and cleanup procedures for the employees.


  • Handling and Storage: Users can also find precautions for safe handling and storage, including the incompatibilities of the chemicals, the ideal storage conditions, and packaging materials.


  • Exposure Controls or Personal Protection: An employee can also find details on appropriate engineering controls, personal protective equipment (PPE), and exposure limits.


  • Physical and Chemical Properties: Knowing the physical state, appearance, odor, pH, melting point, boiling point, flashpoint, vapor pressure, etc. is possible from this document. 


  • Stability and Reactivity: Chemical stability, and the possibility of hazardous reactions are also crucial for users to know to stay safe.


  • Toxicological Information: It shares all the possible routes of exposure, acute or chronic effects, symptoms of exposure, and toxicity data.


  • Ecological Information: The users can also find ideas about the product’s capacity to damage the environment. 


  • Disposal Considerations: It shares some appropriate disposal methods for hazardous products also along with disposal considerations, and waste treatment methods.


  • Transport Information: All the transport precautions are vital and users can find information in detail.


  • Regulatory Information: Employees will also know all the safety, health, and environmental regulations by going through this document. 


What is Cloud Sds Safety Data Sheet Search?

CloudSDS’s SDS search is the easiest way to find out the required SDS in seconds. It can conducted by following the below steps easily:

  • Free Account Creation:


 Users must sign up first to create a free account to view and download all of the SDSs or to get access to CloudSDS’s Global SDS repository. 

  • Easy Search: 


Start the search by entering either the product name or other data fields such as manufacturer name, and CAS number. In case you have the complete details of the product, enter all the details and start your search to find the specific product. 

  • Advanced SDS Search:


Users can also take advantage of an advanced search that helps narrow down the entire process. Take advantage of an advanced search option to reduce the total number of search results. 


What are The Benefits of a Safety Data Sheet?

A safety data sheet or SDS has the following benefits:

  • Provides Safety Information: 


It offers important details regarding the dangers of chemicals. In this way, it aids people in comprehending possible concerns related to their handling, disposal, storage, and use. Additionally, it offers some particular safety advice.

  • Regulatory Compliance:


This document is necessary as proof to stay compliant with all legal requirements. After all, it contains not just hazard information but also safety tips. 

  • Employee Training:


It is also required to train employees on how to handle hazardous chemicals. Besides, its tips on emergency control allow workers to save themselves and their colleagues from chemical exposures. 

  • Emergency Preparations: 


SDSs contain instructions for responding to chemical spills, leaks, fires, and exposure incidents. It also shares tips on taking prompt and effective emergency response actions. 


What is a Chemical Inventory List?

The chemical inventory list includes the details of all the chemicals that any manufacturing facility uses. It’s mainly a comprehensive catalog with details of all the chemicals stored or used on-site, along with relevant safety information. 


The following details should be included in a complete chemical inventory list:


  • Chemical Name: The chemical’s common name, scientific name, synonyms, and trade names should be mentioned in the list.
  • Quantity: It must have information on the amount of each chemical currently in stock or stored at the facility.
  • Location: The specific storage location should also be shared in this list for the users or workers.
  • SDSs: All the relevant safety data sheets should be included here with hazard information and handling precautions. 
  • Expiration Date: The expiration date of the chemicals must be mentioned if applicable.
  • Usage Information: Details about how the chemicals should be used in the workplace must be included here. 
  • Regulatory Compliance: This should also include information about the legal requirements for the handling, labeling, storage, and disposal of hazardous chemicals.
  • Emergency Contact Details: Contact details for emergency response personnel or departments should also be included to tackle chemical spills, leaks, or accidents.
How to Manage Chemical Inventory?

Facilities need to rely on a proper technique to handle the chemical inventory. Check out the following details to know more about the process.


  • Identification and Documentation: 


The process begins by identifying all hazardous chemicals present in the workplace. Therefore, you need to maintain a comprehensive inventory list. The list must include the names of the chemicals, and quantities,  and also should share the locations where they are stored. Keeping the relevant safety data also makes the process more accurate.


  • Labeling and Segregation:


To properly manage all your chemical inventory ensure that all chemical containers are properly labeled. These container labels should also display clear and accurate information about the contents. The labeling is only complete when it includes all the hazard information along with the right pictograms. 


  • Storage and Handling:


You must understand the importance of storing chemicals in designated areas. The place has to be well-ventilated, secure, and equipped with appropriate safety measures. It’s also important to follow manufacturer instructions and regulatory guidelines for the sake of proper handling and storage practices.


  • Regular Inspections and Audits:


It’s vital to conduct proper and thorough regular inspections of chemical storage areas. Why? It will help identify potential hazards, leaks, or safety issues. Therefore, facilities must perform audits of the chemical inventory daily to ensure effective chemical safety management.


  • Taking Help of Software: 


To simplify the process take the help of chemical inventory management software. This software helps track chemical usage details along with reports and analysis. Moreover, auto tracks the inventory which reduces time and improves overall efficiency.


  • Regular Updates:


Regular review and updates are also necessary. Therefore, organizations must maintain the inventory list to reflect changes in the inventory levels. Thus, updating new chemical acquisitions, or updates to safety regulations is possible which helps manage the inventory.


What is a Hazardous Chemical Inventory?

A Hazardous Chemical Inventory is a comprehensive list or database that provides detailed information about the hazardous chemicals present in a facility. From this inventory, users can find data on the names and quantities of chemicals. Additionally, it shares the chemical’s locations within the facility, associated hazards, storage requirements, and some relevant safety precautions.


According to OSHA, facilities need to maintain an inventory of this type to ensure effective chemical safety management and public safety. It also helps handle emergencies and mitigate risks to the health and safety of workers and the environment.


Best SDS Management Software and It’s Features | CloudSDS

One glance at the current market size of the SDS management software reveals how businesses are feeling its requirements. That’s why the market value is expected to reach USD 90-133 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 24-30%. This suggests that facilities will have a wide range of options to select from when determining which is best for their particular needs. What precisely should they search for? To streamline workflows and improve efficiency, finding the best SDS management software is the key.

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